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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I happened to be serching Inter County Motor Coach on Flikr last night and stumbled upon this.

Inter County Motor Coach #nj #bus #creepy #abandoned by Joe Ross, on Flickr
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Hart Bus

Age: 74
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sad end to a glorious warrior !
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hart Bus wrote:
Sad end to a glorious warrior !
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the photo.
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the January 16, 1981 issue of the Northport Journal about the start of service on the S58.

S58 - 1.jpg
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S58 - 1.jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the June 24, 1982 issue of the Sag Harbor Express which talks about expanded Summer Service of the 10A,10B, and 10C. It also makes mention of the S94 going to Bridgehampton.

South Fork Summer Service.jpg
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South Fork Summer Service.jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the June 23, 1983 issue of the Sag Harbor Express which talks about improvements to the Summer Schedule of the 10A, 10B, and 10C.

According to the article all three of those routes ran 7 days a week.

Also it mentions how the S94 started service in July and ran from Southampton to Montauk Village.

1983 Summer.jpg
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1983 Summer.jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As of 7/5/17

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Linsky

All Active Bus Companies

Suffolk Bus Corporation

1953 Checker Bus: xxx-xxx (Suffolk Bus; Two buses June 1953, Chassis #1985 & 2000)
1957 GM TGH3102: ??? (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1963 GM SDM5302: 600-601 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1963 GM TDH4519: 527 (Ex Utica Transit Corporation #507)
1964 GM TDH4519: 837 (Ex Connecticut Co #2133)
1965 GM TDH4519: 840 (Ex Utlity Lines #326)
1966 GM TDH3501: 505-508 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1966 GM TDH4519: 602 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1966 GM TDH4519: 700 (Ex Steubenville Bus Co #539)
1967 GM TDH4519: 604-605 (Suffolk Transportation Service, #604 went to Port Authority of New York and New Jersey #35 in 1975)
1968 GMC T6H5306A: 605 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1969 GMC T6H4521: 517,528 (Ex Utica Transit Commission #517,528. #528 burned 1/1986)
1975 Flxible 45096-6-1: 828-829,836,828 (828-829 ex Lynchburg #600-601, #828 burned 1/1986, 836 ex Lynchburg # 602, 828 ex Lynchburg #607, Ex EBT # 15, replaced the burned #828)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 800-806 (#800-802 Burned 1/1986, #803-806 sent to CBS Lines and renumbered 1954-1957)
1982 Chace RT52: 807-814,822-827,831-835,880-884 (#807 burned 1/86, #831-835 Ex Louis A Fuoco #210-213, #822 Ex Sunrise Coach #122 & Ex HJ #22, #831 renumbered to 8231, #823-827 Ex Alert Coach #113-117)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 803-804,815-820,839,842-845,885-887 (#818 burned 1/1986, 885 Ex EBT #5, 842 Ex Coram #8, 803-804 Ex Coram #9-10, sent to CBS Lines #1910-1911, 843-835 Ex Coram #11-13, 886-887 Ex EBT #9 & 12, Exx Alert Coach # 119-120, 839 Ex Louis A Fuoco #209, renumbered 8215-8217,8219-8220,8242-8245,8285)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 8703-8704,8720-8733 (Originally numbered 720-733, 8703-8704 Ex EBT #703-704)
1991 Gillig Phantom 40102TB: 9100 (Originally numbered 900, sent to Sunrise Coach)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 9101-9108 (Originally numbered 901-908)
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096-6T: 9321-9326
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9641-9655 (#9641 & #9644 sent to Inter-County, #9642,9646-9647 sent to Sunrise Coach)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9721-9725,9734
1999 Orion 05.504: 9921-9922,9924-9927,9930-9931,9934,9936-9938,9940 (9908,9915,9920,9923,9928-9929,9932-9933,9935,9939 are still in active service)

Educational Bus Transportation, Inc (Former Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)

1937 Yellow Coach Model 735: #2097 (Ex Fifth Avenue Coach Company #2097, sold to the Chicago Motor Bus Company, then sold to London Limos Ltd of Wilmette IL)
1938 Yellow Coach Model 735: #2124 (Ex Fifth Avenue Coach Company #2124, Currently owned by the MTA since 1989)
1954 GM TGH3102: 119 (Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)
1961 GM TDH4517: 145 (Chester Bornscheurer/Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)
1964 GM TDH4519: 146 (Peter Bornscheuer/Bornscheuer Bus Company)
1967 GM TDH4519: 104-105 (Educational Bus Transportation)
1970 GMC S8H5303A: 111 (TBE Inc/Educational Bus Transportation)
1975 Flxible 45096-6-1: 14-15 (Ex Lynchburg #603,607. #15 sent to Suffolk Bus Corp #828)
1982 Chace RT52: 1-4,340-341 (#4 & #340-341 went to Hampton Jitney #4 & 340-341)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 5-13,558-562 (#5 Ex Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc, 6-13 Ex Alert Coach #118-125, 9 sent to Inter County Motor Coach #625, #9 & #12 sent to SBC #886-887, #13 & 8 to CBS Lines #1912-1913, #558-562 Ex Inter County)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 701-704 (#701-702 Went to CBS Lines #1970-1971; #703-704 went to Suffolk Bus Corp renumbered #8703-8704)
1991 Gillig Phantom 40TB102: 910-917
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096: 9301-9303
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9610-9617 (#9612,9614-9615 sent to Sunrise Coach)

Hampton Jitney

1982 Chace RT52: 4,20-22,300,320-321,340-341 (#300 Ex Inter County Motor Coach, #4 & #340-341 Ex EBT Inc, #22 sent to Sunrise Coach #122)
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096: 9332 (Originally assigned to Inter-County)
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9620
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9711-9714

Sunrise Coaches Inc.

1960 GM SDH5301: 101
1963 GM SDH4502: 102
1966 GM SDM5302: 105 (Sold to Bee Line Inc, possibly renumbered #703)
1966 GM TDH4519: 111 (Ex Blue Bird Coach Lines #165)
1968 GMC T6H5306: 106
1981 New Flyer D901A 35102C: 119-120 (Transferred to Coram Bus Service)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 125-127
1982 Chace RT52: 121-124,128,301,350-352 (#301 Ex Inter County Motor Coach, 122 Ex HJ, then transferred to Sufffolk Bus Corp. #128 was originally numbered #122)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 740-742
1991 Gillig Phantom 40102TB: 9100 (Originally assigned to Suffolk Bus Corp as #900)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 920
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9604-9608,9642,9646-9647,9660-9961 (9604-9608 transferred from CBS Lines, 9642,9646-9647 transferred from Suffolk Bus Corp)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9701-9702,9726,9731

Huntington Area Rapid Transit

1970 GMC T6H4521A: 101-103 (Ex Town of Huntington/Northport Bus Corporation #701-703, Brought in 1978)
1977 Flxible 35096-6-1: 201-211
1984 Orion 01.507: 301-303
19xx Chance RT52: 4xx's
1991 Gillig Phantom: 501-506
1997 Gillig Phantom: 601-602
1998 Gillig Phantom: 603
1999 Chance RT52: 701-705 (Was used for Para Transit, Saturday fixed route service, and Huntington Station Feeder Routes. #701 was last known to be owned privately.)

State University of New York at Stony Brook NY
19xx Unkown Make Model: x-7 (Front Engine Bus; Colored Blue, Converted from Gasoline to Diesel)
1973 GMC T6H4523N: 10-11
1973 GMC TDH3302N: ??
19xx GMC Txx53xxA: 17 (Brought used from Unknown outside NYC)
2001 Thomas Transit Liner MVP-ER: #34-35,39 (#39 Ran on Vegetable Oil for a few years)

Inactive Bus Companies

CBS Lines Inc (Former Coram Line Service, Former Coram Bus Service)

1960 GM TGH3102: 361-363 (Unkown if Renumbered; Ex Southside Country Day Camp / Huntington Coach #361-363)
1962 GM TGH3102: 101-102
196x GM TDH4517: 340 (Ex Greater Richmond TA #???, Exx Virginia Transit Company #???)
1965 GM TDH4519: 292-294 (Originally Blue Motor Coach Company #58-60)
1973 GMC T6H4523A: 909,921,904,917,924 (Ex Chattanooga # 909,921,904,917,924, renumbered 1920-1924 when CBS Lines was created)
1974 GMC T6H4523A: 124 (Originally GM Public Relations to Coram Bus Service, renumbered 1926 when CBS Lines was created)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C:108,112-115,119-120,803-806 (Renumbered 1950-1960 when CBS Lines was created, #112 Originally The Blue Line, #803-806 Originally Suffolk Bus Corp, #108 Originally Louis A Fuoco, #119-120 Ex Sunrise Coach)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 7-13,1910-1914 (#7 retired?, #8-13 sent to Suffolk Bus Corp #842,803-804,843-845, #1910-1911 Ex Suffolk Bus Corp #803-804 Exx Coram #9-10, #1912, Ex EBT #13, Exx Alert Coach #125, #1913 Ex Alert Coach #123, #1914 Ex Inter County Motor Coach #625 Exx EBT Inc #6, Exxx Alert Coach #118)
1982 Chace RT52: 4-8 (7 & 8 ex Inter County #811 & 814. Renumbered 1904-1908 when CBS Lines was created)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 1970-1971 (Ex EBT 701-702)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 930-934
1993 Flixble Metro D 30096-6T: 9311-9316
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9601-9609 (9601 transferred to Inter County Motor Coach, 9604-9608 transferred to Sunrise Coach, 9609 Burned sometime before 1999)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9732-9733
1999 Orion 05.504: 9901-9907,9909-9910 (9908 is still in active service currently with Suffolk Bus Corp)

Inter County Motor Coach

1930 ACF S-85-2-001: 101 (Ex Bee Line, Inc #101)
195x GM TDH3714: 185 (Babylon Transit listed as operater, possibly Ex Babylon Transit?)
195x GM TDH3714: 189 (Possibly ex Schenck?; Babylon Transit listed as operator)
1957 GM TDH5106: 60 (Went to Valley Transit of Appleton, WI #????, 1994-2003 owned by Private Collector in WI, 2003-Present owned by Private Collector in FL)
1960 GM SDM5301: 103
1960 GM TDH4517: 105
1960 GM TDH5302: 378 (Ex Rochester RTS #211, Exx Rochester Transit Corporation #211)
196x GM TDH4517: 317 (Ex unkown; Inter County Motor Coach livery but Babylon Transit listed as operator.)
1961 GM TDH5301: 109
1962 GM TDH5302: 127
1963 GM SDM5302: 148
1964 GM SDM5302: 157,334,336 (#334,336 sold to New York Bus Service #1383-1394)
1964 GM TDH5304: 158
1966 GM SDM5302: 181-183
1966 GM TDH5304: 184-185
1968 GMC T6H5306: 195-196
1969 GMC T6H5305A: 434-436 (Ex Johnson County Suburban Lines # 209,208,207)
1969 GMC S8H5303A: 234-235 (#235 sold to New York Bus Service as 1464)
1970 GMC S8H5303A: 248-249
1982 Chace RT52: 300-303,810-812,814-815 [#300 transferred to Hampton Jitney, #301 transferred to Sunrise Coach, #811 & 814 transferred to Coram Bus Service # 7 & 8]
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 550-557,622-625 (555-557 Originally assigned to Babylon Transit,554 Originally assigned to Lindenhurst Bus Company, #622-624 Originally assigned to Alert Coach and Originally numbered #109-111)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 558-562,625 (558-562 transferred to EBT Inc, 625 Ex EBT Inc # 6 Exx Alert Coach # 118 transferred to CBS Lines # 1914)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 750-760
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 940-941
1993 Flxible Metro 30096-6T: 9331-9342 (9332 transferred to Hampton Jitney)
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9600-9601,9630-9636,9641,9644 (9601 transferred from CBS Lines, 9641 and 9644 transferred from Suffolk Bus Corp)
1999 Orion 05.504: 9911-9912,9914,9916-9919,9941-9942 (9913 and 9915 are in service and currently with EBT Inc)

Babylon Transit

195x International Series 'R' chassis: 25 (unknown make, School Bus)
1954 GM TGH3102: 30
1955 GM TDH3714: 36
1956 GM TDH3714: 44
1958 GM TDH5106: 336 (Originally New York City Transit)
xxxx GM xxxxxxx: 360
1960 GM TDH4517: 420 (Ex ????)
1961 GM TDH4517: 106 (Babylon Transit listed as operator, Inter County Motor Coach written along the roof)
1962 GM TDH5301: 409 (Originally MBTA #304, Had Inter-County Motor Coach written on top, Babylon Transit listed as Operator)
19xx GM TDHxxxx: 421
19xx GM 5300: 434
19xx GM xxxx: 435-436
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 555-557 (Transferred to Inter County)

Lindenhurst Bus Company

1952 Checker Bus: xx (Chassis Number 1979, December 1952)
1953 Checker Bus: xx (Chassis Number 2002, June 1953)
195x Series A-100: 77 (Possibly made by Wayne Corporation, School bus)
1960 GM TDH5302: 104,371
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 554 (Transferred to Inter County)

The Blue Coach Lines (DBA The Blue Line)

1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 112 (Transferred to CBS Lines and renumbered 1950)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 710

Louis A. Fuoco Bus Service, Inc/Louis A. Fuoco Bus Line, Inc

1962 GM TGH3102: 58
1966 GM TDH4519: 108
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 108 (Transferred to CBS Lines and renumbered 1958)
1982 Chace RT52: 210-214 (transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #831-835)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 215 (renumbered 209, transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #839)

Utility Lines (Only buses that say Patchouge on Production Lists)

1937 Mack Trolley or Metropolitan: xxx-xxx (All Steel, 4 in total)
1960 GM TDH4517: 316 (Went to MSBA #316)
1961 GM TDH4517: 318 (Went to MSBA #318)
1962 GM TDH5302: 321 (Went to MSBA #321)
1962 GM TDH4517: 322-323 (Went to MSBA #322-323)
1963 GM TDH4519: 324-325 (#325 went to MSBA #325)
1964 Flxible FD6V-UL-AC: 400 (Went to Bee Line #701, then went to MSBA #701)
1965 GM TDH4519: 326-327 (#327 went to MSBA #327, #326 went to Suffolk Bus Corp #840)
1968 GMC T6H5306: 328-331 (Went to MSBA #328-331)
1971 GMC T8H5306A: 332-333 (Went to MSBA #332-333)

Harran Transportation Company, Inc (Formerly New York AirBus, Ltd/Prime Coram, Inc )

1942 Mack CM-3G or 4D: 210
1963 GM SDM5302: 300-301
1966 GM SDM5302: 400-401
1967 GM TDH5304: 82-83 (Long Island Transportation Equip. Corp/Harran Transp. Co; Transferred to Parent Company Jerusalem Avenue Bus #82-83, then to MSBA #82-83)
1968 GMC S8M53503A: 500-501 (#500 went to New York Bus Service #1456)

Northport Transportation Co./Northport Bus Corporation (Sister company to School bus Company Starlite Bus Co. Inc)

1929 Reo Bus: xx (Northport Transportation Co.)
19xx GM TGH3102: 49
1970 GMC T6H4521A: 701-703 (Town of Huntington/Northport Bus Corporation, Brought by the Town of Huntington in 1978 and became HART #101-103)
197x GMC T6H45xx: #106

Clausen Bus Service (Formerly N.F Bus Service)

1969 GMC S8M5303A: 107-109 (Former Huntington Coach Corporation #504-505,507)

South Huntington Bus Company, Inc

1934 Indiana Model 14C: #22

Huntington Coach Corporation (Still in operation as a School Bus Company)

1939 White Model 706-M: 18
194x White Model 80x: 21
1960 GM TGH3102: 361-363 (Southside Country Day Camp / Huntington Coach, Sold to Coram Bus Service)
1962 GM SDH4501: 364-366 (Southside Country Day Camp / LIRR; #365-366 came BEFORE #364. #365-366 Went to Schuykill Valley)
1963 GM SDM5302: 367-370 (Monville, Inc./ Huntington Coach - LIRR, #367 went to West Orange; All other to Riverdale Transit)
1964 GM SDM5302: 371-375 (Southside Country Day Camp / HC - LIRR &Monville Inc./ Huntington Coach - LIRR, #373 went to West Orange; All other to Riverdale Transit)
1965 GM TDH3501: 401-403 (Monville Inc./ Huntington Coach)
1969 GMC T6H5306A: 404-405 (Bayhunt Associates Corp / Huntington Coach Corp)
1969 GMC S8M5303A: 500-508 (Bayhunt Associated Corp, #500,502 to Riverdale Transit; #501 to Riverdale Transit #370, then to Liberty Lines #2321; #503,506 to DC Transit; #504-505,507 to Clausen Bus Company; #508 to Eyre)

Alert Coach Lines (Former Clara Leigh, Inc/Leigh's Transportation Company, Still in Operation as a Coach bus Company)

194x Ford Transit Model 29B: #12 (Leigh's Transportation Company)
195x Checker Transit Bus: #40 (Leigh's Transportation Company)
1958 GM TDH5106: 614 (Retainted Bee Line paint scheme, was converted into guard shack; Ex MSBA #614, Exx Bee Line, Inc #614)
1959 International Model B-163: #47,51 (Leigh's Transportation Company School Bus)
1959 GM TDH5106: 617 (Was repainted all White; Ex MSBA #617, Exx Bee Line, Inc #617)
19xx GM Fishbowl: 92
19xx GMC TDH4517: 330
1964 Flxible FD6V-401-UL-AC: 700 (Surburban model; Ex MSBA #700, Exx Bee-Line #700)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 109-111 (Transferred to Inter County Motor Coach renumbered #622-624)
1982 Chace RT52: 113-117 (Transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #823-827)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 118-125 (#118-125 Transferred to EBT #7-13)

Swezey Bus Line, Inc (Still in Operation as a School Bus Company named Hermon E. Swezey Bus Company)

19xx Unknown Make/Model: xx-xx (Five buses, Inherited by Herman E. Swezey from his father in 1921)
1925 Reo Bus: xx (25 Passengers)
1929 Reo Bus: xx

Long Island Airports Limousine Service

19xx GMC xxx-xxxx: 902

Classic Coach (Still in operation as a Coach bus company)

19xx GMC xxxxxxx: ??? (Ex Clausen Bus Service)
19xx Flxible xxxx-x-x: ??? (Possible Ex NJ Transit?)

Long Island Bus Company, Inc.

195x GM TDH5105: ????,6042 (Ex Unkown)

John W. Brown Bus

19xx unknown Make and Model: ??
19xx unknown Make and Model: ??

Patchouge & Port Jefferson Auto Line

1913 unknown Make and Model: ??

Last edited by S-60 To Smith Haven Mall on Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:47 am; edited 3 times in total
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is Utility Lines 1963 GM TDH4519 #324 after it was involved in an deadly accident in 1970.

The Long Island advance., November 19, 1970.jpg
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The Long Island advance., November 19, 1970.jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As of 7/8/17

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Linsky

All Active Bus Companies

Suffolk Bus Corporation

1953 Checker Bus: xxx-xxx (Suffolk Bus; Two buses June 1953, Chassis #1985 & 2000)
1957 GM TGH3102: ??? (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1963 GM SDM5302: 600-601 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1963 GM TDH4519: 527 (Ex Utica Transit Corporation #507)
1964 GM TDH4519: 837 (Ex Connecticut Co #2133)
1965 GM TDH4519: 840 (Ex Utlity Lines #326)
1966 GM TDH3501: 505-508 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1966 GM TDH4519: 602 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1966 GM TDH4519: 700 (Ex Steubenville Bus Co #539)
1967 GM TDH4519: 604-605 (Suffolk Transportation Service, #604 went to Port Authority of New York and New Jersey #35 in 1975)
1968 GMC T6H5306A: 605 (Suffolk Transportation Service)
1969 GMC T6H4521: 517,528 (Ex Utica Transit Commission #517,528. #528 burned 1/1986)
1975 Flxible 45096-6-1: 828-829,836,828 (828-829 ex Lynchburg #600-601, #828 burned 1/1986, 836 ex Lynchburg # 602, 828 ex Lynchburg #607, Ex EBT # 15, replaced the burned #828)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 800-806 (#800-802 Burned 1/1986, #803-806 sent to CBS Lines and renumbered 1954-1957)
1982 Chace RT52: 807-814,822-827,831-835,880-884 (#807 burned 1/86, #831-835 Ex Louis A Fuoco #210-213, #822 Ex Sunrise Coach #122 & Ex HJ #22, #831 renumbered to 8231, #823-827 Ex Alert Coach #113-117)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 803-804,815-820,839,842-845,885-887 (#818 burned 1/1986, 885 Ex EBT #5, 842 Ex Coram #8, 803-804 Ex Coram #9-10, sent to CBS Lines #1910-1911, 843-835 Ex Coram #11-13, 886-887 Ex EBT #9 & 12, Exx Alert Coach # 119-120, 839 Ex Louis A Fuoco #209, renumbered 8215-8217,8219-8220,8242-8245,8285)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 8703-8704,8720-8733 (Originally numbered 720-733, 8703-8704 Ex EBT #703-704)
1991 Gillig Phantom 40102TB: 9100 (Originally numbered 900, sent to Sunrise Coach)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 9101-9108 (Originally numbered 901-908)
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096-6T: 9321-9326
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9641-9655 (#9641 & #9644 sent to Inter-County, #9642,9646-9647 sent to Sunrise Coach)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9721-9725,9734
1999 Orion 05.504: 9921-9922,9924-9927,9930-9931,9934,9936-9938,9940 (9908,9915,9920,9923,9928-9929,9932-9933,9935,9939 are still in active service)

Educational Bus Transportation, Inc (Former Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)

1937 Yellow Coach Model 735: #2097 (Ex Fifth Avenue Coach Company #2097, sold to the Chicago Motor Bus Company, then sold to London Limos Ltd of Wilmette IL)
1938 Yellow Coach Model 735: #2124 (Ex Fifth Avenue Coach Company #2124, Currently owned by the MTA since 1989)
1954 GM TGH3102: 119 (Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)
1961 GM TDH4517: 145 (Chester Bornscheurer/Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc)
1964 GM TDH4519: 146 (Peter Bornscheuer/Bornscheuer Bus Company)
1967 GM TDH4519: 104-105 (Educational Bus Transportation)
1970 GMC S8H5303A: 111 (TBE Inc/Educational Bus Transportation)
1975 Flxible 45096-6-1: 14-15 (Ex Lynchburg #603,607. #15 sent to Suffolk Bus Corp #828)
1982 Chace RT52: 1-4,340-341 (#4 & #340-341 went to Hampton Jitney #4 & 340-341)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 5-13,558-562 (#5 Ex Bornscheurer Bus Co, Inc, 6-13 Ex Alert Coach #118-125, 9 sent to Inter County Motor Coach #625, #9 & #12 sent to SBC #886-887, #13 & 8 to CBS Lines #1912-1913, #558-562 Ex Inter County)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 701-704 (#701-702 Went to CBS Lines #1970-1971; #703-704 went to Suffolk Bus Corp renumbered #8703-8704)
1991 Gillig Phantom 40TB102: 910-917
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096: 9301-9303
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9610-9617 (#9612,9614-9615 sent to Sunrise Coach)

Hampton Jitney

1982 Chace RT52: 4,20-22,300,320-321,340-341 (#300 Ex Inter County Motor Coach, #4 & #340-341 Ex EBT Inc, #22 sent to Sunrise Coach #122)
1993 Flxible Metro D 30096: 9332 (Originally assigned to Inter-County)
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9620
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9711-9714

Sunrise Coaches Inc.

1960 GM SDH5301: 101
1963 GM SDH4502: 102
1966 GM SDM5302: 105 (Sold to Bee Line Inc, possibly renumbered #703)
1966 GM TDH4519: 111 (Ex Blue Bird Coach Lines #165)
1968 GMC T6H5306: 106
1981 New Flyer D901A 35102C: 119-120 (Transferred to Coram Bus Service)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 125-127
1982 Chace RT52: 121-124,128,301,350-352 (#301 Ex Inter County Motor Coach, 122 Ex HJ, then transferred to Sufffolk Bus Corp. #128 was originally numbered #122)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 740-742
1991 Gillig Phantom 40102TB: 9100 (Originally assigned to Suffolk Bus Corp as #900)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 920
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9604-9608,9642,9646-9647,9660-9961 (9604-9608 transferred from CBS Lines, 9642,9646-9647 transferred from Suffolk Bus Corp)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9701-9702,9726,9731

Huntington Area Rapid Transit

1970 GMC T6H4521A: 101-103 (Ex Town of Huntington/Northport Bus Corporation #701-703, Brought in 1978)
1977 Flxible 35096-6-1: 201-211
1984 Orion 01.507: 301-303
19xx Chance RT52: 4xx's
1991 Gillig Phantom: 501-506
1997 Gillig Phantom: 601-602
1998 Gillig Phantom: 603
1999 Chance RT52: 701-705 (Was used for Para Transit, Saturday fixed route service, and Huntington Station Feeder Routes. #701 was last known to be owned privately.)

State University of New York at Stony Brook NY
19xx Unkown Make Model: x-7 (Front Engine Bus; Colored Blue, Converted from Gasoline to Diesel)
1973 GMC T6H4523N: 10-11
1973 GMC TDH3302N: ??
19xx GMC Txx53xxA: 17 (Brought used from Unknown outside NYC)[/color]
2001 Thomas Transit Liner MVP-ER: #34-35,39 (#39 Ran on Vegetable Oil for a few years)

Inactive Bus Companies

CBS Lines Inc (Former Coram Line Service, Former Coram Bus Service)

1960 GM TGH3102: 361-363 (Unkown if Renumbered; Ex Southside Country Day Camp / Huntington Coach #361-363)
1962 GM TGH3102: 101-102
196x GM TDH4517: 340 (Ex Greater Richmond TA #???, Exx Virginia Transit Company #???)
1965 GM TDH4519: 292-294 (Originally Blue Motor Coach Company #58-60)
1973 GMC T6H4523A: 909,921,904,917,924 (Ex Chattanooga # 909,921,904,917,924, renumbered 1920-1924 when CBS Lines was created)
1974 GMC T6H4523A: 124 (Originally GM Public Relations to Coram Bus Service, renumbered 1926 when CBS Lines was created)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C:108,112-115,119-120,803-806 (Renumbered 1950-1960 when CBS Lines was created, #112 Originally The Blue Line, #803-806 Originally Suffolk Bus Corp, #108 Originally Louis A Fuoco, #119-120 Ex Sunrise Coach)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 7-13,1910-1914 (#7 retired?, #8-13 sent to Suffolk Bus Corp #842,803-804,843-845, #1910-1911 Ex Suffolk Bus Corp #803-804 Exx Coram #9-10, #1912, Ex EBT #13, Exx Alert Coach #125, #1913 Ex Alert Coach #123, #1914 Ex Inter County Motor Coach #625 Exx EBT Inc #6, Exxx Alert Coach #118)
1982 Chace RT52: 4-8 (7 & 8 ex Inter County #811 & 814. Renumbered 1904-1908 when CBS Lines was created)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 1970-1971 (Ex EBT 701-702)
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 930-934
1993 Flixble Metro D 30096-6T: 9311-9316
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9601-9609 (9601 transferred to Inter County Motor Coach, 9604-9608 transferred to Sunrise Coach, 9609 Burned sometime before 1999)
1997 Gillig Phantom 30TB96: 9732-9733
1999 Orion 05.504: 9901-9907,9909-9910 (9908 is still in active service currently with Suffolk Bus Corp)

Inter County Motor Coach

1930 ACF S-85-2-001: 101 (Ex Bee Line, Inc #101)
195x GM TDH3714: 185 (Babylon Transit listed as operater, possibly Ex Babylon Transit?)
195x GM TDH3714: 189 (Possibly ex Schenck?; Babylon Transit listed as operator)
1957 GM TDH5106: 60 (Went to Valley Transit of Appleton, WI #????, 1994-2003 owned by Private Collector in WI, 2003-Present owned by Private Collector in FL)
1960 GM SDM5301: 103
1960 GM TDH4517: 105
1960 GM TDH5302: 378 (Ex Rochester RTS #211, Exx Rochester Transit Corporation #211)
196x GM TDH4517: 317 (Ex unkown; Inter County Motor Coach livery but Babylon Transit listed as operator.)
1961 GM TDH5301: 109
1962 GM TDH5302: 127
1963 GM SDM5302: 148
1964 GM SDM5302: 157,334,336 (#334,336 sold to New York Bus Service #1383-1394)
1964 GM TDH5304: 158
1966 GM SDM5302: 181-183
1966 GM TDH5304: 184-185
1968 GMC T6H5306: 195-196
1969 GMC T6H5305A: 434-436 (Ex Johnson County Suburban Lines # 209,208,207)
1969 GMC S8H5303A: 234-235 (#235 sold to New York Bus Service as 1464)
1970 GMC S8H5303A: 248-249
1982 Chace RT52: 300-303,810-812,814-815 [#300 transferred to Hampton Jitney, #301 transferred to Sunrise Coach, #811 & 814 transferred to Coram Bus Service # 7 & 8]
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 550-557,622-625 (555-557 Originally assigned to Babylon Transit,554 Originally assigned to Lindenhurst Bus Company, #622-624 Originally assigned to Alert Coach and Originally numbered #109-111)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 558-562,625 (558-562 transferred to EBT Inc, 625 Ex EBT Inc # 6 Exx Alert Coach # 118 transferred to CBS Lines # 1914)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 750-760
1991 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 940-941
1993 Flxible Metro 30096-6T: 9331-9342 (9332 transferred to Hampton Jitney)
1996 Gillig Phantom 35TB102: 9600-9601,9630-9636,9641,9644 (9601 transferred from CBS Lines, 9641 and 9644 transferred from Suffolk Bus Corp)
1999 Orion 05.504: 9911-9912,9914,9916-9919,9941-9942 (9913 and 9915 are in service and currently with EBT Inc)

Babylon Transit

195x International Series 'R' chassis: 25 (unknown make, School Bus)
1954 GM TGH3102: 30
1955 GM TDH3714: 36
1956 GM TDH3714: 44
1958 GM TDH5106: 336 (Originally New York City Transit)
xxxx GM xxxxxxx: 360
1960 GM TDH4517: 420 (Ex ????)
1961 GM TDH4517: 106 (Babylon Transit listed as operator, Inter County Motor Coach written along the roof)
1962 GM TDH5301: 409 (Originally MBTA #304, Had Inter-County Motor Coach written on top, Babylon Transit listed as Operator)
19xx GM TDHxxxx: 421
19xx GM 5300: 434
19xx GM xxxx: 435-436
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 555-557 (Transferred to Inter County)

Lindenhurst Bus Company

1952 Checker Bus: xx (Chassis Number 1979, December 1952)
1953 Checker Bus: xx (Chassis Number 2002, June 1953)
195x Series A-100: 77 (Possibly made by Wayne Corporation, School bus)
1960 GM TDH5302: 104,371
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 554 (Transferred to Inter County)

Adelwerth Bus Service/The Blue Coach Lines (DBA The Blue Line, Still in operation as a School Bus Company named Adelwerth Bus Corporation)

19xx Unknown Make/Model: xxx (Adelwerth Bus Service, Involved in deadly accident March 1965 in Riverside)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 112 (Transferred to CBS Lines and renumbered 1950)
1987 Gillig Phantom 35102TB: 710

Louis A. Fuoco Bus Service, Inc/Louis A. Fuoco Bus Line, Inc

1962 GM TGH3102: 58
1966 GM TDH4519: 108
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 108 (Transferred to CBS Lines and renumbered 1958)
1982 Chace RT52: 210-214 (transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #831-835)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 215 (renumbered 209, transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #839)

Utility Lines (Only buses that say Patchouge on Production Lists)

1937 Mack Trolley or Metropolitan: xxx-xxx (All Steel, 4 in total)
1960 GM TDH4517: 316 (Went to MSBA #316)
1961 GM TDH4517: 318 (Went to MSBA #318)
1962 GM TDH5302: 321 (Went to MSBA #321)
1962 GM TDH4517: 322-323 (Went to MSBA #322-323)
1963 GM TDH4519: 324-325 (#324 involved in deadly accident in 1970; #325 went to MSBA #325)
1964 Flxible FD6V-UL-AC: 400 (Went to Bee Line #701, then went to MSBA #701)
1965 GM TDH4519: 326-327 (#327 went to MSBA #327, #326 went to Suffolk Bus Corp #840)
1968 GMC T6H5306: 328-331 (Went to MSBA #328-331)
1971 GMC T8H5306A: 332-333 (Went to MSBA #332-333)

Harran Transportation Company, Inc (Formerly New York AirBus, Ltd/Prime Coram, Inc )

1942 Mack CM-3G or 4D: 210
1963 GM SDM5302: 300-301
1966 GM SDM5302: 400-401
1967 GM TDH5304: 82-83 (Long Island Transportation Equip. Corp/Harran Transp. Co; Transferred to Parent Company Jerusalem Avenue Bus #82-83, then to MSBA #82-83)
1968 GMC S8M53503A: 500-501 (#500 went to New York Bus Service #1456)

Northport Transportation Co./Northport Bus Corporation (Sister company to School bus Company Starlite Bus Co. Inc)

1929 Reo Bus: xx (Northport Transportation Co.)
19xx GM TGH3102: 49
1970 GMC T6H4521A: 701-703 (Town of Huntington/Northport Bus Corporation, Brought by the Town of Huntington in 1978 and became HART #101-103)
197x GMC T6H45xx: #106

Clausen Bus Service (Formerly N.F Bus Service)

1969 GMC S8M5303A: 107-109 (Former Huntington Coach Corporation #504-505,507)

South Huntington Bus Company, Inc

1934 Indiana Model 14C: #22

Huntington Coach Corporation (Still in operation as a School Bus Company)

1939 White Model 706-M: 18
194x White Model 80x: 21
1960 GM TGH3102: 361-363 (Southside Country Day Camp / Huntington Coach, Sold to Coram Bus Service)
1962 GM SDH4501: 364-366 (Southside Country Day Camp / LIRR; #365-366 came BEFORE #364. #365-366 Went to Schuykill Valley)
1963 GM SDM5302: 367-370 (Monville, Inc./ Huntington Coach - LIRR, #367 went to West Orange; All other to Riverdale Transit)
1964 GM SDM5302: 371-375 (Southside Country Day Camp / HC - LIRR &Monville Inc./ Huntington Coach - LIRR, #373 went to West Orange; All other to Riverdale Transit)
1965 GM TDH3501: 401-403 (Monville Inc./ Huntington Coach)
1969 GMC T6H5306A: 404-405 (Bayhunt Associates Corp / Huntington Coach Corp)
1969 GMC S8M5303A: 500-508 (Bayhunt Associated Corp, #500,502 to Riverdale Transit; #501 to Riverdale Transit #370, then to Liberty Lines #2321; #503,506 to DC Transit; #504-505,507 to Clausen Bus Company; #508 to Eyre)

Alert Coach Lines (Former Clara Leigh, Inc/Leigh's Transportation Company, Still in Operation as a Coach bus Company)

194x Ford Transit Model 29B: #12 (Leigh's Transportation Company)
195x Checker Transit Bus: #40 (Leigh's Transportation Company)
1958 GM TDH5106: 614 (Retainted Bee Line paint scheme, was converted into guard shack; Ex MSBA #614, Exx Bee Line, Inc #614)
1959 International Model B-163: #47,51 (Leigh's Transportation Company School Bus)
1959 GM TDH5106: 617 (Was repainted all White; Ex MSBA #617, Exx Bee Line, Inc #617)
19xx GM Fishbowl: 92
19xx GMC TDH4517: 330
1964 Flxible FD6V-401-UL-AC: 700 (Surburban model; Ex MSBA #700, Exx Bee-Line #700)
1981 New Flyer D901A-10235C: 109-111 (Transferred to Inter County Motor Coach renumbered #622-624)
1982 Chace RT52: 113-117 (Transferred to Suffolk Bus Corp #823-827)
1982 Gillig Phantom 3596TB: 118-125 (#118-125 Transferred to EBT #7-13)

Swezey Bus Line, Inc (Still in Operation as a School Bus Company named Hermon E. Swezey Bus Company)

19xx Unknown Make/Model: xx-xx (Five buses, Inherited by Herman E. Swezey from his father in 1921)
1925 Reo Bus: xx (25 Passengers)
1929 Reo Bus: xx

Long Island Airports Limousine Service

19xx GMC xxx-xxxx: 902

Classic Coach (Still in operation as a Coach bus company)

19xx GMC xxxxxxx: ??? (Ex Clausen Bus Service)
19xx Flxible xxxx-x-x: ??? (Possible Ex NJ Transit?)

Long Island Bus Company, Inc.

195x GM TDH5105: ????,6042 (Ex Unknown)

John W. Brown Bus

19xx unknown Make and Model: ??
19xx unknown Make and Model: ??

Patchouge & Port Jefferson Auto Line

1913 unknown Make and Model: ??
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The TransitMan

Age: 46
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

S-60 To Smith Haven Mall wrote:
From the June 24, 1982 issue of the Sag Harbor Express which talks about expanded Summer Service of the 10A,10B, and 10C. It also makes mention of the S94 going to Bridgehampton.

Wait, wait, wait...did I read that correctly? Did that article say that the 10A had 10 runs? In 1982? What a drop off in 35 years.
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The TransitMan wrote:
S-60 To Smith Haven Mall wrote:
From the June 24, 1982 issue of the Sag Harbor Express which talks about expanded Summer Service of the 10A,10B, and 10C. It also makes mention of the S94 going to Bridgehampton.

Wait, wait, wait...did I read that correctly? Did that article say that the 10A had 10 runs? In 1982? What a drop off in 35 years.

Though that was only for the summer. The rest of the year it had 5.

I think the big question is why did they stop the extra Summer service on those routes.
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow this article about Suffolk Transit from the June 06, 1985 issue of the The Suffolk County News which states that at the time there were 73 Bus routes.

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
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Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is a photo of a bus from a Newspaper from 1981. No location is given nor any other information except that it's on a Feeder route.

All I can make out is the bus is numbered #209.

Feeder Bus.jpg
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Feeder Bus.jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think I posted this before however, this is an newspaper article from 1973 about Long Island Airports Limousine moving to their new location in the Town of Islip from a leased location in Farmingdale.

LIALS (2) 1983.jpg
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LIALS (2) 1983.jpg

LIALS (1).jpg
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LIALS (1).jpg

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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is some more LIALS stuff.

LIALS Ad 1976.jpg
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LIALS Ad 1976.jpg

LIALS Ad 1975.jpg
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LIALS Ad 1975.jpg

LIALS Ad 1970.jpg
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LIALS Ad 1970.jpg

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