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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:45 pm    Post subject: NYCT/MABSTOA GM BUS ROSTER (Long Post) Reply with quote

Attached below is a roster of GM transit buses operated by NYCTA, certain NYCTA predecessors (East Side, Comprehensive), MABSTOA, and MABSTOA predecessor companies (NYCO, ST, 8th Avenue Coach, Madison Avenue Coach). It arbitrarily starts with the introduction of the GM alphanumeric model system (i.e. TD-4502 and onward) and ends with the 4300-series RTS-06.
FACCO was an early and vitally important proponent of Yellow and GM coaches, so it is not surprising that GM transit buses dominated the NYC transit scene for many years. While Mack and Flxible did sell significant numbers of buses in the NYC area, other historically important transit bus manufacturers (e.g. ACF-Brill, Ford, White) could not penetrate the NYC market to any great degree.
NYCTA, MABSTOA, and their predecessors operated 18 different GM transit bus models during the 45-year period from 1941-1986; 3 of these models (TDH-5101, T6H-5309A, T6H-5310A) were unique to NYC.
As always, please jump in with additions, corrections, and deletions.


315-317 1 ST 1021-1023 06-07/41
318-321 1 ST 1031,1027,1024,1028 06-07/41
322-325 1 ST 1025,1032,1029,1033 06-07/41
326-329 1 ST 1026,1030,1034,1048 06-07/41
330-339 1 ST 1035-1044 06-07/41
340-342 1 ST 1050,1051,1049 06-07/41
343-345 1 ST 1052-1054 06-07/41
346-347 1 ST 1045-1046 06-07/41
348-352 1 ST 1055-1059 06-07/41
353-354 1 ST 1047,1060 06-07/41
173-175 1 NYCO 800-802 05/41
205-204 1 ST 1011-1020 12/40
236-287 1 NYCO 803-854 05/41

0278-0302 2 Eighth Avenue Coach Company 855-879 05-06/42
0309-0311 2 Eighth Avenue Coach Company 886-888 06/42
0313-0318 2 Eighth Avenue Coach Company 890-895 06/42
0408-0417 2 Eighth Avenue Coach Company 905-914 04/42
0418-0419 2 Eighth Avenue Coach Company 916,915 04/42

0341-0358 FACCO 2200-2217 11/45
0359-0383 FACCO 2218-2242 04/46
0385 FACCO 2244 04/46
0387 FACCO 2246 04/46
0389 FACCO 2248 04/46
0393-0394 FACCO 2252-2253 04/46
0391 FACCO 2250 04/46
0396-0400 FACCO 2255-2259 04/46
0401-0425 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1700-1724 04/46
0426-0440 NYCO 1725-1739 04/46
0441-0458 1 Eighth Avenue Coach Corp 1740-1757 04/46
0459-0483 1 NYCO 1758-1782 04/46
0704-0706 1 Comprehensive Omnibus Corp 701-703 06/46
0707-0709 1 East Side Omnibus Corp 301-303 04/46
0970 1 NYCO 1783 07/46
0979 1 NYCO 1784 07/46
0984 1 NYCO 1785 07/46
0990-0991 1 NYCO 1786-1787 07/46
1000 1 NYCO 1788 07/46
1008 1 NYCO 1789 07/46
1032-1033 NYCO 1790-1791 09/46
1038 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1830 09/46
1039 NYCO 1792 09/46
1041 NYCO 1793 09/46
1048-1051 NYCO 1794-1797 09/46
1053-1057 NYCO 1798-1802 09/46
1058-1064 NYCO 1809,1808,1803-180709/46
1067 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1831 09/46
1080-1083 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1820,1810,1811,1832 09/46
1084-1087 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1812,1813,1821,1814 09/46

TDH-4506 (Cont’d.):
1088-1091 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1815,1822,1833,1823 09/46
1092-1095 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1816,1834,1824,1817 09/46
1096-1099 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1825,1818,1826,1835 09/46
1100-1103 Madison Avenue Coach Co 1819,1827,1828,1829 09/46
1104-1200 ST 1100-1196 11/46

0001-0103 ST 1197-1299 11-12/46
0161-0164 FACCO 2273,2289,2290,2275 11/46
0165-0168 FACCO 2260,2261,2291,2278 11/46
0169-0170 FACCO 2279,2262 11/46
0171 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1836 11/46
0172-0175 FACCO 2292,2280,2277,2263 11/46
0176-0179 FACCO 2264,2265,2293,2294 11/46
0180-0183 FACCO 2274,2266,2281,2295 11/46
0184-0187 FACCO 2282,2276,2283,2284 11/46
0188-0191 FACCO 2296,2297,2267,2268 11/46
0192-0195 FACCO 2287,2271,2272,2298 11/46
0196 FACCO 2288 11/46
0197 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1837 11/46
0198-0201 FACCO 2299,2269,2270,2300 11/46
0203-0204 FACCO 2285-2286 11/46
0205 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1838 11/46
0209 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1839 11/46
0211 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1840 11/46
0212-0213 FACCO 2301-2302 11/46
0214-0215 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1841-1842 11/46
0216-0226 FACCO 2303-2313 11/46
0227-0228 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1843-1844 11/46
0229 FACCO 2314 12/46
0230 Mad. Ave. Coach Co. 1845 11/46
0231-0250 FACCO 2315-2334 11/46
0251-0256 FACCO 2339-2344 02/47
0257-0260 FACCO 2335-2338 02/47
0351-0550 ST 1300-1499 02-03/47
0801-0850 ST 1500-1549 08/47
0876-0900 ST 1550-1574 08/47
0901-0906 NYCO 1846-1851 06/47
0907-0911 FACCO 2345,2346-2349 06/47
1701-1725 ST 1575-1599 01/48
1726-1760 Eighth Ave Coach Co/NYCO 1852-1886 12/47-01/48
1851-1900 NYCTS 2000-2049 01/48
2061-2070 FACCO 2356-2362,2353-2355 03-04/48
2071-2072 FACCO 2351-2352 03-04/48
2073-2099 NYCTS 2050-2076 03/48
2121-2195 NYCO 1887-1961 04-05/48
2231-2253 NYCTS 2077-2099 04/48
2366-2395 NYCTS 2100-2129 05/48
2396 NYCTS 2039 05/48
2660-2714 NYCTS 2200-2254 07/48
2754-2760 NYCTS 2255-2261 08/48
2820-2857 NYCO 1962-1999 09-10/48
2858-2894 NYCO 2700-2736 09-10/48

0156-0200 NYCO 2737-2781 03/49
0311-0365 NYCO 2782-2836 05/49
0389-0448 8TH Ave. Coach 2837-2896 06/49
0639-0688 NYCO 2897-2946 12/49
0860-0934 FACCO 2363-2437 05,06/50
1097-1171 NYCO 2947-3021 11,12/50
1566-1606 NYCO 3056-3096 05,08/51
1607-1640 NYCO 3022-3055 05,08/51

001-500 NYCTS 4000-4499 (1948-1949)

TDH 5101:
001-400 NYCTS 4500-4899 (1948-1949)

0076-0125 - FACCO 2502-2551 11/52
0151-0160 - ST 1050-1059 09/53

0070-0099 - ST 1060-1089 08/54
0919 FACCO 3100 08/56
1117-1124 - NYCTA 7000-7002,7071-7075 10-11/57
1125-1132 - NYCTA 7003-7005,7140-7144 10-11/57
1133-1138 - NYCTA 7006-7009,7076-7077 10-11/57
1139-1141 - NYCTA 7145-7146,7010 10-11/57
1142-1148 - NYCTA 7078-7081,7147-7149 10-11/57
1149-1153 - NYCTA 7011-7013,7082-7083 10-11/57
1154-1158 - NYCTA 7150-7152,7014-7015 10-11/57
1159-1164 - NYCTA 7084-7086,7153-7155 10-11/57
1165-1170 - NYCTA 7016-7018,7087-7089 10-11/57
1171-1175 - NYCTA 7156-7157,7019-7021 10-11/57
1176-1180 - NYCTA 7090-7091,7158-7160 10-11/57
1181-1185 - NYCTA 7022-7023,7092-7094 10-11/57
1186-1191 - NYCTA 7161-7163,7024-7026 10-11/57
1192-1196 - NYCTA 7095-7097,7164-7165 10-11/57
1197-1201 - NYCTA 7027-7029,7098-7099 10-11/57
1202-1206 - NYCTA 7166-7168,7030-7031 10-11/57
1207-1212 - NYCTA 7100-7102,7169-7171 10-11/57
1213-1218 - NYCTA 7032-7034,7103-7105 10-11/57
1219-1222 - NYCTA 7172-7173,7035-7036 10-11/57
1223-1225 - NYCTA 7106-7107,7176 10-11/57
1226-1230 - NYCTA 7174-7175,7037-7039 10-11/57
1231-1236 - NYCTA 7108-7110,7177-7179 10-11/57
1237-1242 - NYCTA 7040-7042,7111-7113 10-11/57
1243-1247 - NYCTA 7180-7181,7043-7045 10-11/57
1248-1252 - NYCTA 7114-7115,7182-7184 10-11/57
1253-1257 - NYCTA 7046-7047,7116-7118 10-11/57
1258-1263 - NYCTA 7185-7187,7048-7050 10-11/57
1264-1268 - NYCTA 7119-7121,7188-7189 10-11/57
1269-1273 - NYCTA 7051-7053,7122-7123 10-11/57
1274-1278 - NYCTA 7190-7092,7054-7055 10-11/57
1279-1284 - NYCTA 7124-7126,7193-7195 10-11/57
1285-1290 - NYCTA 7056-7058,7127-7129 10-11/57
1291-1295 - NYCTA 7196-7197,7059-7061 10-11/57
1296-1300 - NYCTA 7130-7131,7198-7200 10-11/57
1301-1305 - NYCTA 7062-7064,7133,7132 10-11/57
1306-1310 - NYCTA 7201-7202,7065-7067 10-11/57
1311-1316 - NYCTA 7134-7136,7203-7205 10-11/57
1317-1322 - NYCTA 7068-7070,7137-7139 10-11/57
1323-1325 - NYCTA 7206-7208 10-11/57
1430-1469 - FACCO 2605-2644 08/58
1470-1568 - NYCTA 9022-9120 08-09/58
1569-1590 - NYCTA 9000-9021 08-09/58
1638-1677 - ST 3020-3059 07/59
1678-1727 - FACCO 2645-2694 07/59

0187-0376 NYCTA 1-190 10-11/59
0714-0723 ` FACCO 3101-3110 01/60
0724-0733 ` FACCO 1-10 01/60
0942-1246 ` NYCTA 501-805 7-8/60
1294-1343 ` FACCO 3111-3160 10/60
1344-1393 ` NYCTA 3161-3210 10/60
2502-2631 NYCTA 1001-1130 6-7/61
3199-3373 NYCTA 2001-2175 6-8/62

0480-0734 ' MABSTOA 3301-3555 06/63
0735-0817 ' NYCTA 3824-3906 5-6/63
0818-0878 ' NYCTA 3601-3661 06/63
0879-0957 9 NYCTA 3745-3823 06/63
0958-1040 ' NYCTA 3662-3744 6-7/63
1041-1084 ' NYCTA 3907-3950 6-7/63
2432-2756 ' MABSTOA 5201-5525 12/64-03/65
3534-4033 ' MABSTOA 6401-6900 10/65-02/66
5091-5570 2-6 NYCTA/MABSTOA 8301-8780 1-2/67
5571-5772 16 NYCTA 8001-8202 1-2/67

224-273 ` NYCTA 8829-8878 11-12/68
274-301 ` NYCTA 8801-8828 11-12/68
302-356 1 NYCTA 8879-8933 11-12/68

001-025 ' NYCTA 6000-6024 2-3/72
026-037 ' NYCTA 6090-6101 2-3/72
038-042 ' NYCTA 6025-6029 02/72
043-054 ' NYCTA 6140-5151 2-3/72
055-069 ' NYCTA 6030-6044 03/72
070-082 ' NYCTA 6102-6114 03/72
083-097 ' NYCTA 6045-6059 03/72
098-109 ' NYCTA 6152-6163 03/72
110-124 ' NYCTA 6060-6074 3-4/72
125-136 ' NYCTA 6115-6126 3-4/72
137-151 ' NYCTA 6075-6089 3-4/72
152-164 ' NYCTA 6127-6139 4-5/72
165-224 ' MABSTOA 4800-4859 12/72-02/73
225-374 ' NYCTA NOT IN ORDER 6200-6349 1-2/73
375-434 ' MABSTOA 4860-4919 7-8/73

001-036 ` NYCTA 6164-6199 2-3/72
037-042 ` MABSTOA 4500-4505 12/72-01/73
043-062 ` NYCTA 6901-6920 12/72-01/73
063-078 ` NYCTA 6941-6956 12/72-01/73
079 ` NYCTA 6940 12/72
080-098 ` NYCTA 6921-6939 12/72-01/73

NYCTA PA1634-PA1645 1981
NYCTA PA1659-PA1858 1982
MABSTOA PA2580-PA2704 1982
NYCTA 3400-3799 1984
NYCTA 3800-4218 1985

NYCTA 1201-1287, PA1288-PA1633, PA1649-1658 1981
MABSTOA 2281-2300, PA2301-2380, PA2418-2579 1981
NYCTA 3001-3090, PA3091-3325 1983

NYCTA 4300-4599 1986
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:23 am    Post subject: NYCT/MABSTOA GM BUS ROSTER (Long Post) Reply with quote

One comment: The casual reader could be misled by the roster's format into believing that, for example, Surface Transportation TD-4502s in the 1011-1060 series were still in service at the 1962 MaBSTOA takeover of Fifth Avenue and Surface Transit. The fact is that this group of early old looks was retired early by STS. One or more went to Newark, New Jersey Independent operators in Newark in 1950, and three wound up rebuilt without their exit doors and in service for one of the Boro Busses companies on the Jersey Shore in 1948.

Indeed, even though the ex-NYCO TD-4502s and 4505s in FACL service at takeover were quite serviceable, and could have run for several more years, the city did not include them in the condemnation proceeding.

Thanks and best regards,

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Were some of the MABSTOA 1963 GMC 5303 model Fishbowl buses
(3301- 3555) reassigned to Nassau County "Suburban Bus Operating Authority in the late 1970's? Question
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Mr. Linsky
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Great research job and very interesting!

It would take forever for me to get enough pictures together to back you up on this one - so I think I'll just let everyone conjure up their own images.

Again, great job and thanks for sharing.

Mr. Linsky - Green Bus Lines, Inc., Jamaica, NY
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Transbustuser104 wrote:
Were some of the MABSTOA 1963 GMC 5303 model Fishbowl buses
(3301- 3555) reassigned to Nassau County "Suburban Bus Operating Authority in the late 1970's? Question

No. MSBA received ten 1961 NYCTA 5301s (1000s), seven 1965 MaBSTOA 5303s (64, 65, 6600s), five 1969 MaBSTOA Flxibles (4600s), and 50 1975 TA & OA Flxibles (7000-7900s). All of those were gone by 1993. In the mid-1990s, MSBA received Blitz Fishbowls and 1981-82 RTSes.
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W.B. Fishbowl

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 1971 NYCTA orders of T6H-5305A's, I noticed, were not included. As you can see, they were way jumbled up:

517-526 NYCTA 4300-4309 2-3/71
527-538 NYCTA 4350-4361 2-3/71
539-548 NYCTA 4430-4439 2-3/71
549-560 NYCTA 4362-4373 2-3/71
561-570 NYCTA 4310-4319 2-3/71
571-580 NYCTA 4440-4449 2-3/71
581-592 NYCTA 4374-4385 2-3/71
593-602 NYCTA 4470-4479 2-3/71
603-612 NYCTA 4320-4329 2-3/71
613-623 NYCTA 4386-4396 2-3/71
624-633 NYCTA 4450-4459 2-3/71
634-644 1 NYCTA 4397-4407 2-3/71
645-654 NYCTA 4330-4339 2-3/71
655-664 NYCTA 4460-4469 2-3/71
665-675 NYCTA 4408-4418 2-3/71
676-679 NYCTA 4480-4483 2-3/71
[680-685 NOT BUILT]
686-695 NYCTA 4340-4349 2-3/71
696-706 NYCTA 4419-4429 2-3/71
707-722 NYCTA 4484-4499 2-3/71

4401 (serial number 0638), of course, was later rebuilt by Blitz as 5227 - and as such, is the one on holiday specials today.

Oh, and the 1960 3161-3220 in TDH-5301 was actually ST, not NYCTA.

Last edited by W.B. Fishbowl on Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks WB; excellent observations and much appreciated!
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W.B. Fishbowl

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now, when MaBSTOA 3301-3555 (serial #'s 0480-0734) first arrived, they were initially assigned out of four depots: Kingsbridge and West Farms in the Bronx, and Amsterdam and 132nd Street in Manhattan. That those were the four is evidenced by the type of roll signs on the front, unique to this group and not replicated on subsequent OA groups: route number on the left, and two lines of small type with the name on top and 'TO ________ [destination]' at bottom. I most witnessed this layout on Bx42, M100, M104, M3, M4 and M5 runs (based on photos "out there"), whether on those buses or when the buses were reassigned in later years and the signs were salvaged to put on later buses.

Three of the depots were ex-STS, and replaced the most dilapidated of that entity's fleet. The other was the ex-FACCo garage whose buses were very well maintained - and several older buses of which (namely 1952 and prior) were sent to ex-STS Bronx depots to replace said basket case buses headed for the crusher; but much of which buses in place prior to the 1962 strike had been spirited away by Fifth Avenue Coach Lines during same and transferred to Westchester.
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