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Vintage Suffolk County Coach Buses
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S-60 To Smith Haven Mall

Joined: 29 Nov 2007
Posts: 1770
Location: Suffolk County, NY

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As of 8/26/24 Thanks to Jimbo for the Sunrise Information

(Active Bus Companies on top, Disbanded Companies on bottom)

Hampton Jitney

1974 Chevy Sportsman Bus: x-x (Two)
1976 Argosy Compact Bus: 4
19xx Argosy Comapact Bus?: 6
197x MCI MC-7: 8
1980 National Custom Van: 12 (Ford Ecoline Chassis; Used for early Suffolk County Transit Service)
1981 Eagle Model AE10: 15-17
1982 Eagle Model AE10: 18-19
1983 Eagle Model AE10S: 22
1983 Eagle Model AE10: 23-24
1985 Eagle Model AE10: xx
1985 Setra: 28-29
1985 Eagle Model AE15: 30
1986 Eagle Model AE15: 31
1989 Eagle Model AE15: 34-35
1989 Prevost H5-60: 37 (Sold to Venture Tours in 1997)
1992 Prevost Mirage XL: 42
199x Prevost: 68 (Caught fire and destroyed in 2010)

Sunrise Coach Lines Inc. (Currently a Subcontract for Twin Forks Transit for their Suffolk Transit Contract; Coach/Charter operation sold to Hampton Jitney in 2006, School Bus Operations under the name Sunrise Busses, Inc is still in Operations)

1929 White: 5
1936 Reo: 6
1937 White: 2
1940 White: 7
1941 Superior "Pusher": 8
1948 GM PD-2903: 21-23
1954 GM PD-4104: 45 (Ex Monumental Tours of Baltimore, MD. Unknown number when run at Monumental Tours)
1964 GM PD-4106: 103
19xx GM PD-4106: 109-110 (Ex Shortline?, brought around 1970)
1970 GMC PD-4905: 107-108
1981 Prevost LM-103: 300-301 (49 Passenger, Both came in May of 1981, but #300 was built before #301)
198x Prevost LM-103: 302-303 (49 Passenger)
1982 MAN SR280 Highliner: 305-306 (Purchased in 1985; #305 in February; #306 Unknown)
1983 Prevost LM XL: 304 (Sold to Knox Tours)
198x Prevost LM XL: 307-308
1987 National Model E76XCRL: 400 (Ford Chassis)
1987 Prevost LM XL: 309-310,314
1988 Prevost LM-103: 311-313 (#313 47 Passenger)
19xx Prevost LM XL: 315-316
1991 Prevost LM XL: 317-319
1992 Prevost LM XL: 320-322
199x Prevost LM XL: 323
1993 Prevost Le Mirage XL: 324 (Sold to King Coal Tours #324?)
1994 Prevost LM XL: 325
1995 Prevost LM XL: 326
1996 Prevost Le Mirage XLII: 327 (55 Passenger; #327 Traded in and was then resold to Bronx Bus Corp #140 with Sunrise's name still on it)
1997 Prevost LM XLII: 328-330 (#329 Sold to Hampton Jitney
1998 Prevost LM XLII: 331-332 (Sold to Hampton Jitney)
1998 Prevost H3-45: 333
1999 Prevost LM XLII: 334 (Sold to Hampton Jitney)
1999 Prevost H3-45: 335 (destroyed by fire 01/2004)
1999 Blue Bird Q Series: xxx (Sold to SUNY Old Westbury; Kept Sunrise Coach Paint Scheme)
2000 Prevost H3-45: 336-337 (Sold to Hampton Jitney)
2001 Prevost LM XLII: 338-339 (sold to Hampton Jitney)
2002 Prevost LM XLII: 340 (1st. w/c lift; sold to Hampton Jitney)
2002 GCA Unknown Model: xxx (Freightliner Chassis; 27 pax; sold to Hampton Jitney)
2003 Prevost LM XLII: 341 (sold to Hampton Jitney)
2004 Prevost LM XLII: 342 (sold to Hampton Jitney)
2004 Prevost H3-45: 343 (sold to Hampton Jitney)
2005 Prevost H3-45: 344 (sold to Hampton Jitney)
2006 Prevost LM XLII: 345 (sold to Hampton Jitney)

Long Island Airports Limousine Service

1973 MCI MC7: 711 (Ex Community Coach Corp #203; Exx Coast Cities #559)
1976 GMC P8M-4905A: 703
1980 Eagle Model AE10: xxx (A.B.A. Demonstrator)
1981 Eagle Model AE10: 1010,1020,1030,1040,1050,1060,1070,1080,1090 (Vin order is 1030,1040,1020,1010,1050,1060,1070,1080,1090)

Colonial Limo

19xx MCI MC-9: 1020

Suffolk County Dept of Purchase

1974 GMC P8M4905A: xxx (Happauge NY)

In Active Bus Companies

Coram Bus Service

1947 Flxible Clipper: 103
1957 GM PD-4104: xxx (39 Passenger, Sold in 1974)
1958 GM PD-4104: xxx (45 Passenger, Sold in 1974)
1960 GM PD-4104: xxx-xxx (41 Passenger, Sold in 1974)
19xx GM PD 4107: 123 (Brought used?)
1972 MCI MC-7: 720-722 (Ex Harran Coachways #583,581,582, Exx Martz?; #721-722 sold back to Harran #504 & 505)
1974 GM P8M-4905A: 118
1975 GM P8M-4905A: 125
1976 GM P8M-4905A: 127
1977 GM P8M-4905A: 128
1978 MCI MC-8: 7906-7907 (Leased; Ex Greyhound #1107 & 1132, Sold to New York Airways #3502-3503)
1979 MCI MC-9: 7900-7901
1982 MCI MC-9: 7902-7903 (Sold to Island Coachways/Harran Coachways #2500-2501)
1984 MCI MC-9: 7904-7905 (Sold to Island Coachways/Harran Coachways #2502-2503; #7905 a 1985 Model?)

Inter County Motor Coach

19xx GM xxxxxx: 41
1958 GM PD-4104: 70-71,120 (#71 came before #70; #120 Sold to Lincoln Transit NJ)
1960 GM PD-4104: 101-102
19xx GM PD-4903: 362
1964 Silver Eagle 01: 201 (Possibly Ex Trialways?)
1967 Silver Eagle 01: 204-205
1968 Silver Eagle 05: 206-207
1969 Eagle Model SE05: 209
1970 Silver Eagle 05: 250
1971 Eagle Model SE05: 298
1972 GM P8M-4905A: 290
1973 Silver Eagle 05: 293
1973 GM P8M-4905A: 294
1974 GM P8M-4905A: 330-332 (#330-331 came two buses before #332)
1975 GM P8M-4905A: 1776-1776B
1976 GM P8M-4905A: 446
1977 GM P8M-4905A: 444-445 (445 came before 444)
1979 MCI-9: 602 (Sold to Oak Tree Bus Service as #77)
19xx MCI-9: 607-608,882
19xx -------: 615
19xx MCI: 881
19xx Van Hool T-800: 1750
19xx Van Hool x-xxx: 2475,2550 (#2475 White; #2550 Red)

Harran Transportation

1954 Flxible VisiCoach: ???? (Is now outside at the entrance to the Museum of Bus Transportation in Hershey PA)
19xx GM PD-4104: 503
1962 GM PD-4106: xxx (Brought Used?, Sold in 1974)
1972 MCI MC-7: 504-504.581-583 (#504-505 Ex Coram Bus Service, Inc #721-722, Exx Harran Coachways #581 & 582, Exx Martz?)
1974 GMC P8M-4905A: 504-505 (#504 leased to NJ Transit #6920)
1976 GMC P8M-4905A: 506-507 (#507 leased to NJ Transit #6921)
1977 GMC P8M-4905A: 508,510 (#510 leased to NJ Transit #6922)
19xx GMC P8M-4905A: 509
1979 MCI MC-9: 511-512 (Leased to NJ Transit #6909-6910)
19xx MCI MC-7: 501,578-579 (#579 Ex Gold Line of DC #xxx)
19xx MCI MC-9: 522
1979 MCI MC-9: 513
1979 GMC H8H-649: 514 (leased to NJ Transit #6923)
1979 Eagle Model AE10: 532 (Demonstrator, Blue)
19xx Neoplan Unknown Model: 3 (White, Ex Liesure Line)
1980 MCI MC-9: 515-518,528-531 (#515-516 came first, then #517, then #518, then followed by #528-531, Leased to NJ Transit #6901-6908)
1980 Eagle Model AE10: 520-521,523-527
19xx MCI MC-9: 533,560-561,563
1981 MCI MC-9: 519,553,555-556,565 (#555-556 Sold to Villani Bus Company #51-52;#565 is now a bus for a church in Wyananch)
1981 Eagle Model AE10: 534-543 (#536 Brought by Angie Carpenter's campaign for her 2011 run for Suffolk County Executive)
19xx MCI MC-9: 554,567,572,588
1982 MCI MC-9: 2500-2501 (Ex Coram Bus Service, Inc #7902-7903; #2500 sold to National Coach Works-Martz, resold to Rock River Transit)
1983 MCI MC-9: 569,573 (#569 Sold to Private owner in West Virginia; #573 went to Charter Bus Lines of British Columbia #204, then leased to Quick Coach Lines #204)
1984 MCI MC-9: 2502-2503 (Ex Coram Bus Service, Inc #7904-7905; #2503 sold to Wells & Wells in 1995)
19xx MCI xxxxx: 591,594,596,598
19xx Eagle Unknown Model: 540
1985 Eagle AE-10: ??? (Ex Greyhound #7945, Exx Trailways Commuter Transit #8491)
19xx MCI xxxxx: 594,598
1988 Eagle Model AE15: 599-600
1989 Eagle Model AE15: 601-605,1589-1589 (Two buses listed on production list as #1589)
1990 Eagle Model AE15: 545 (Demonstrator)
19xx MCI 102-DL3: 001-003
xxxx MCI 96A2: 607 (Sold to Private Transportation and turned into a Parts bus)
19xx Prevost H3-40/41: 700-704 (Used on Suffolk Transit S110 when known as Suffolk Express; 2 are Ex Venture Tours in Norfolk, Va)
xxxx Prevost H3-4x: 705 (Had New York City Skyline paint scheme)
xxxx Prevost H3-4x: 803,806 (Had New York City Skyline paint scheme)
1996 Presvost H3-45: 804 (Had American Flag paint scheme, as well as a tag for HARRAN's 70th Anniversary)
199x Prevost H3-45: 814
1998 Prevost H3-45: 815-816,819 (#819 Ex-Worldwide #745, Current Go Buses #9148, #815-816 Had New York City Skyline paint scheme; #815,xxx Went to Horizon Bus Service #120-121)
1999 Prevost H3-45: 825 (Plain Red; Sold to Go Buses #9169; Resold to Yep Tours #YT22)
xxxx Prevost xx-40: 2001 (Out of Space Paint scheme for the concept of future travel for the new Millennium. A red Space Shuttle represented a Harran vehicle of the future)

New York Airbus

19xx MCI MC-x: 3310 (MC-8?)
19xx MCI xxx: 3514 (Transferred from Harran Coachways?)
1978 MCI MC-8: 3502-3503 (Ex Coram Bus Service, Inc #7906-7907. Exx Greyhound #1107 & 1132)
1981 MCI MC-9: 3515 (Went to Private Transportation)

Classic Coach

19xx MCI-x: 3004 (Had Bally's Park Place Casino Hotel wrapped on the side)
19xx MCI-9: 4011
1997 MCI 102DL3: 9701 (Returned to MCI who leased it to New Jersey Transit as #7109 from 2006-2008

Alert Coach Lines, Inc

19xx GM PD4104: ????
19xx MCI MC8: ????-???? (Had the same Livery as 19xx GM Fishbowl #92)
1971 Prevost TS-47: B16c (Ex Kevah Konner #B16c, Deck and a half, said to have been renumbered into the 31xx)

Winston Coach Corp (Now known as Winston American Transportation Group)

19xx Eagle Model: 1409
1978 GMC P8M-4905A: 1410-1411
19xx MCI MC-x: 1412
1979 GMC H8H-649: 1414-1415
1980 Eagle Model AE10: 1418-1421
1981 Eagle Model: 1422-1423
198x Eagle Model: 1424 (Lettered Faygele Coach Corp)
19xx MCI MC-x: 1434 (Had Winston American on the side)
19xx MCI 102-DL3: 9600,9700-9701

Hampton on My Mind (A division of Winston Transportation)

19xx MCI MC-9: 8100 (Pink Body)
19xx MCI xxx-x3: 8900

Montauk Bus Company/Hampton Express (Active as a School Bus Company Montauk Bus Service, Inc/Montauk Bus LLC/Montauk Bus, sister company to North Fork Express)

19xx MCI MC-8: ???
19xx MCI MC-9: 3 (Montauk Bus)
19xx MCI MC-9: 21 (Hampton Express)
198x MCI xxxx: 20 (Hampton Express, Roll Sign)
19xx MCI/TMC xxxx: 23
1985 TMC 96A2: 25 (Hampton Express, Ex Transport of Rockland #RC503, Exx Hudson Transit Lines H520)
1988 MCI 102A2: 11-16 (Hampton Express, Inc)

Four Seasons Coach Lines

1973 GM P8M-4905A: 1000-1001 (Brookhaven Equipment Rental Corp co listed as owner; Sold to Unknown around late July 1977)
1974 GM P8M-4905A: 1002-1003 (Brookhaven Equipment Rental Corp co listed as owner; Sold to Unknown around late July 1977)

Central Islip State Hospital

1954 Flxible Visicoach 218B1-54-33IC: xxx

Kings Park State Hospital

1957 Flxible Starliner 218WAS1-57-33IC: xxx
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