Welcome to BusTalk
Discussion Forum     A subscriber-based discussion forum for anyone interested in chatting about buses, the bus industry, various manufacturers and overall surface transportation topics from the employee to the transit hobbyist.

BusTalk U.S. Photo Galleries     The BusTalk Transportation Galleries feature images of buses and trackless trolleys from around the United States. Members may upload their photographs for inclusion in the galleries.

BusTalk World Photo Galleries     The BusTalk World Transportation Galleries feature images of buses and trackless trolleys outside the United States. Members may upload their photographs for inclusion in the galleries.

Note that direct registration to the U.S. and World Galleries is closed. To register, please join the Discussion Forum first, introduce yourself, and request a Gallery account.

BusTalk.Net Forum Archive     A small selection of discussion threads archived from the old BusTalk.Net discussion forum.

Bus Roster Archive     Transit agency rosters and delivery lists

Destination Sign Archive     A collection of bus rollsign images and electronic sign codes. If you have signs you would like to share, please e-mail ripta42@hopetunnel.org.

BusTalk is hosted by HopeTunnel.org Transit & Urban Photography and is not affiliated with the former BusTalk.Net, its administrators or moderators, any transit agency, organization, vehicle manufacturer or dealer, or transportation engineering or planning company. BusTalk and HopeTunnel.org, its administrators, moderators, and members, and 1&1 Internet, Inc. do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this site and are not responsible for any losses sustained as a result of content on this site.
Last updated July 16, 2008. Please direct all inquiries to ripta42@hopetunnel.org.